Monoganon Manifesto

Greetings,Mind Wanderer,we are the fivedimensional floatingwaveforms of flesh... We live in swampsofhighly volatile interstellar matterall around you in THE infinitesimal darkness of a billion tunnels and streamsof composite photon debris formed in the great cosmic birth, We welcome you to join us.
First things first. We do not tolerate ABUSE! What do we mean by abuse? Well, if you download the entire site over and over again using a web robot, you waste bandwidth that others could use. It's also expensive: usually on any given day over half of the cost of running the site is because of three or four users who engage in this kind of behavior. For instance, in October 2013 the individual with the IP address of used 10 percent of the site's bandwidth during that month, racking up over two million hits. That IP address is currently banned from accessing Monoganon. This is what we mean by abuse. There is no reason for one individual to access this site that many times: they downloaded every file at the site ten times over. If you really, really, really want the entire contents of the site, you should consider buying our CD-ROMs. It's a lot easier than downloading the site, believe me. Too expensive for you? We have music available to stream on most popular channels. Come on, you know you'd rather just get the disk. If you insist on downloading the site, you might want to buy a bandcamp release to defray the costs of your bad decisions. Thank you. Please continue to page 2 for the full manifesto